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1. A minimum of 3 women and 3 men are required to register a team. You may
carry up to 12 players on a team roster.
2. When your roster is completed with 12 players, you may replace players on your
team. Any team that replaces an existing player with a new player must mail or e-
mail all pertinent information (Name, address including postal code and phone
number) for the replacement person and an administration fee of $10 per
transfer. You must also indicate the name of the player to be taken off your
roster. The new player is eligible to play if it has been confirmed that he/she has
been added to your team roster by the league. The deadline for adding or
replacing team members is April 2 at the score sheet return deadline. This
will then be each team’s roster for the year-end tournament. Please keep all
player transfer receipts and confirmations for the year-end General Meeting and
3. An individual may only be registered on one team at any given time.
4. For any complaints against an unsportsmanlike player, the League will review
any incidents from all involved parties. Depending on the seriousness of the
offense, the incident may be reviewed by the Board.

  • The first offense is a warning letter
  • The second offense carries a monetary penalty of $25.00.
  • The third offense, you will face the disciplinary committee and the
    possibility of being stricken from the roster and banned from the league.

5. Four officials are to be present during officiated matches; officiating complaints
must be addressed through the following steps:

  • The “protest” must be brought to the attention of the team captains
    present at this time.
  • The protest must be brought to the attention of the league by the scoring
    deadline (Wednesday after night of play by 11:00 p.m.).
  • Coordinators will contact the team in question re: complaint received.
  • The onus is on the “offending” team to produce evidence in their defense
    from teams within their current tier. If unable to do so a default will be



The games played shall be played according to the latest indoor rule book as published
and distributed by Volleyball Canada, with the following exceptions and additions
(number and title refer to section numbers in the rule book).

Section 2.1 Height of the Net

1. The net shall be set to 15/16 & under men height (2.35m or about 7 ft 8.5

Section 4 Team Composition

1. No more than 3 men and minumum 3 women per team on the court at any one time.

2. Teams shall only play with registered MWRVS players.

3. There shall be no substitutes from any other team in the Year end Tournament.
Players may only play on the team with which they are registered.

4. Players registered with MWRVS may substitute for other teams during the
regular season.

5. Only one substitute from another MWRVS team is allowed per team, per match.

Section 6.3 To Win a Match

1. A match will consist of the best of 5 games of rally-point to 25. A team must win
by 2 points, play to a maximum of 27 points, or to the allotted time limit of the
match, whichever occurs first. The 5th game, if necessary, will be rally point to 15
or the time limit of the gym, won by 2 points or to a maximum of 17.

2. No time outs will be allowed in the last 10 minutes of match time.

3. There may be instances due to extreme time limit (i.e. 1 hour matches) that a
match will consist of the best of 3 games.  MWRVS will inform the teams
regarding these specialized games.

Section 7.1  The Toss

1. One coin toss is performed at the start of the match.

2. The winner of the toss chooses either:

o the right to serve or to receive the service; OR
o the side of the court.

Section 7.6  Player’s Position and Rotation

It is permissible for a team to play with 5 players (maximum of 3 men at one time).

1. If a team is playing with 5 players then a "ghost position" will be identified by the
team.  The position will be kept in rotation as between players "A" and players
"B".  As a result, during three rotations there will be ONLY two players in the front

2. If a game (set) is played with 5 players at any given time, the team must finish
the game (set) with 5 players. A 6th player may start the next game.

Section 8.2 Ball “Out”

1. When two or more matches are being played in the same gym, the ball is “out”
when the ball or player in the act of playing the ball completely crosses the
vertical plane of the dividing line that is half way between the two courts.

2. Flagrant violation of this rule will result in a yellow card (unsportsmanlike

3. When the other match ends in a dual match gym, ball “out” is still in affect unless
previously agreed upon by the team captains and referees.

Section 15.6 Limitations of Substitutions

1. The rules for “Volleyball Canada Indoor Rule Book” shall apply.

2. Teams can no longer use rotational substitutions.

3. Teams are allowed 6 limited substitutions

4. Six substitutions is the maximum permitted per team per set.  One or more
players may be substituted at the same time.

5. A player of the starting line-up may leave the game, but only once per set, and
re-enter, but only once in a a set, and he/she can only be substituted by the
same starting player.

Section 19 The Libero Player

1. The use of the Libero substitution will be allowed in the league.  The libero must
be identified to the opposing team and officials prior to each set.  A new libero
may be  designated for each set.


1. Teams will be reffing their own games. 

2. Please ensure all teams playing must be ready to play at the start time. If gym set-up cannot be completed prior to this indicated time, then as soon as the set-up is complete the match must start.
3. The use of the Libero substitution will be allowed in the league.


1. Any team and/or player that continually defaults and accumulates monetary penalties
will be sent a written notice requesting that they show cause why they should not
be stricken from the membership.

2. Failure to provide one-week notification to the league that a team will not be
present to play the following week. Cash penalty $25.

4. Failure to properly put away all equipment as indicated by league schedule. Cash
penalty $40 and a loss of the match win. Winning teams are to put equipment

5. Playing with a player not registered in the MWRVS league - default any game or
games in which this person played and a cash penalty of $25.

6. Failure to submit scores online by the Wednesday at 11pm following game
played will result in a 0 for points. Missing 3 weeks will result in a cash penalty of
$25 per week following that.

7. Playing teams that cause matches to start late as per rule 2 in the Refereeing
and Playing Information section, then the start time shall be penalized in the
following manner:

Game 1-1 point per minute late
 15 minutes after start time – default first game to a total of 25 points
 20 minutes after start time – default second game
 25 minutes after start time – default third game

The points for a default will be 25 to 0 for the defaulted match.
If a team has not paid the outstanding cash penalty(s) by the end of the season
they will be withdrawn from the year end tournament. If payment is still outstanding, the team’s registration for the following season will not be processed until all penalties are paid.